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Feeling words


By exchanging feelings through dialogue we are giving our personhood to our spouse so that we can experience moments of unity when we both experience the same feeling to the same degree.

The following is a list of some feeling words to help in writing your love letters. This list is by no means complete. However it should provide you with some feeling words if you get stuck. If you think of any that are not listed here, please let us know so that they might be included in the list. You can send your feeling words to us by clicking here.

delighted transported light-hearted vivacious
joyful enthusiastic buoyant brisk
festive inspired debonair sparkling
contented glad bright merry
complacent beatific free & easy mirthful
satisfied pleased airy hilarious
serene blissful exuberant exhilarated
comfortable cheerful saucy jovial
peaceful genial jaunty jolly
tranquil cheery lively playful
ecstatic sunny spirited gleeful
raptuous high-spirited animated frisky
elated exultant jubilant jolly
crestfallen depressed somber oppressed
despondent disconsolate sulky downhearted
disheartened melancholy joyless flat
discouraged out of sorts spiritless dull
low heavy-hearted dismal gloomy
low spirited discontented dark cheerless
ill at ease glum clouded woeful
sorrowful moody frowning woebegone
downcast moping mournful dreary
dejected sullen dreadful in the dumps
resentful irritated enraged furious
annoyed sullen sulky in a stew
inflamed wrought up bitter up in arms
provoked worked up virulent in a huff
incensed indignant acrimonious turning
infuriated irate boiling wrathful
injured suffering victimized tortured
offended afflicted heartbroken piteous
grieved worried hapless woeful
distressed aching in despair rueful
in pain crushed agonized mournful
sad pathetic tragic  
fearful tremulous hysterical upset
frightened shaky yellow misgiving
in fear apprehensive alarmed doubtful
timid fidgety shocked suspicious
chicken restful horrified hesitant
nervous aghast insecure irresolute
diffident terrified anxious awed
fainthearted panicked worried cismayed
scared quaking threatened sppalled
trembling cowardly menaced petrified
concerned engrossed excited inquiring
affected intrigued curious nosy
fascinated absorbed inquisitive snoopy
encouraged brave spirited determined
courageous daring resolute audacious
secure gallant stour hearted dauntless
reassured feroic enterprising certain
bold self-reliant hardy  
unbelieving suspicious questioning perplexed
skeptical dubious wavering indecisive
distrustful uncertain hesitant  
keen ardent enthusiastic desirous
earnest zealous avid hot-headed
intent anxious    


WWME is faithful to the Roman Catholic Church's teaching that marriage is a covenant that exists between one man and one woman. Any reference to marriage or couple made by WWME is in this context.


The mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world.



Questions? Need more info?

Apply by phone: 605-359-1533  
WWME® Info: 605-359-1533  

Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm  
Sat: 10:00am-5:00pm  
Sun: 1:00pm-5:00pm  
or by email  

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Weekend Status
Mar 21-23, 2025 [ Bismarck, ND ] Open
May 30-Jun 1, 2025 [ Valley City, ND ] Open
Nov 7-9, 2025 [ MEDORA, ND ] Open
Weekend Status
Apr 5-6, 2025 [ BRAINERD, MN ] Open
Apr 25-27, 2025 [ CROOKSTON, MN ] Open
Nov 22-23, 2025 [ ALEXANDRIA, MN ] Open
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Weekend Status
May 16-18, 2025 [ Buffalo, MN ] Open
Oct 17-19, 2025 [ Buffalo, MN ] Open


-John 13:34-35

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.